
Showing posts from September, 2017

Week 5: Planet Building Assignment

An explanation on my planet created for the planetarium assignment. My planet was based off 3 main focused concepts. Lighting, Life, and Terrain. I asked myself how I wanted to light this planet, choosing that this planet is so far from a light and heat source that its relatively dark. Because it's dark and lacks heat the planet is cold, but not cold enough to frost over. The terrain is dry made of crystals similar to amethysts, little to no water exist here preventing the frost. So if this planet is cold and dark what life can it sustain? Bioluminescent mushrooms began sprouting on the planet long ago, managing to thrive on what little nutrients the ground holds. These mushrooms in turn provide light and from a telescope look like stars blending in the planet to the rest of space.

Week 4: History Plus Nerd Trope

Now unless youre a historian in Australia not many people know about the Great Emu War held in 1932. Or so this is what they chose to label it to the public. You see the rumors of Australia having the deadliest animals on earth is absolutely true theres no denying it. However what they choose to keep from you is the amount of unexplainable other wordly being that escape the gates of hell via Australia.  The vast farming land wasnt being piliaged by some  annoying flightless birds it was something far worse, dracoliches. Soldiers who bravely fought in World War I were coming home to settle down and restart their lives but they never expected to see the dracolich migration cross these newly inhabited lands. It wasnt until crops were ready to harvest that the first one appear, using its giant razor sharp talons to uproot the vegetation an eating it as a salad before consuming the farmers who lived there. After the first one more stormed in and the farmers who were able to escap...

Week 3: Wheres and Whens


Week 2: Worlds and Archetypes

They see the world through white and black, light and shadow, good and evil. They aren't really blind so much as they're clumsy. My curiosity drives me to move closer to them but they're caretaker keeps the crowd at bay. Flash photography is prohibited but normal pictures are approved by these gentle yet daunting beings. Finally my turn I am allowed near them, not too close but just enough to frame a well composed photograph. The three massive floating orbs stare right through me blinking in unison, pupils dilating as I walk to the next exhibit. The next room is brighter than the last and I can clearly see the manager of the stage nearby. I wait again watching as those ahead of me are guided into a large cylindrical wire cage running on an automated track. In monotone the woman controlling the ride guides them on how to place the air masks on their face correctly, safety, regulations, and the liability contract signed when you buy tickets to this theme park. At the press ...